

时间:2014-08-08 10:26:29 作者:升龙电缆


Fluoroplastics High Temperature Cable

本品具有优良的耐腐蚀性能,几乎不溶于任何有机溶剂, 可抗油, 抗强酸, 抗强碱, 强氧化剂等;具有优良的电绝缘性能, 耐高
电压, 高频损耗小, 不吸潮,绝缘电阻大;具有优良的不燃、不老化性能, 氧指数≥60, 使用寿命长。广泛应用于航空、冶金、石油 、
Fluoroplastics high temperature cable has many excellent performances including corrosion resistance, almost insoluble in any organic
solvents, oil-resistant, anti-acid, anti-alkali, anti strong oxidizer, etc.; Besides, it also has many other excellent properties including good
electrical insulation, high voltage resistance, low high-frequency loss, moisture resistance, big insulated resistance; what’s more, it also has
an excellent non-flammable, non-aging properties, long service life and its oxygen index is no less than 60. It is widely used in environment
with high temperature such as aviation, metallurgy, petroleum, household appliances, lighting fixtures, electrical and electronics,
instrumentation, electrical, industrial equipment and so no.
