

时间:2014-09-01 16:30:48 作者:升龙电缆


Matters needing attention in wire and cable storage and transportation:
1、在对线缆进行存放的时候,严禁与酸、碱及矿物油类接触 ,要与这些有腐蚀性的物质隔离存放;
1, the cable of storage time, no contact with acid, alkali and mineral oil, to be stored and the corrosive substances;
There are harmful gas insulation failure and corrosion of metal shall be 2, cable warehouse storage;
3, as far as possible to avoid stored in open bare cables, cable tray does not allow flat;
4、电缆在保管期间,应定期滚动 (夏季3个月一次,其他季节可酌情延期)。滚动时,将向下存放盘边滚翻朝上,以免底面受潮腐烂。存放时要经常注意电缆封头是否完好无损;
4, the cable during the custody period, should be regularly rolling (summer 3 months time, the other seasons may delay). When rolling down the sides of the dish, the store roll up, lest the bottom surface wet rot. When storing should always pay attention to the cable head is intact;
5, cable storage period to products manufactured duration, generally not more than a year and a half, the length of not more than two years;
6、运输中严禁从高处扔下电缆或装有电缆的电缆盘,特别是在较低温度时 (一般为5℃左右及以下),扔、摔电缆将有可能导致绝缘、护套开裂;
6, the transportation is prohibited from high drop cable or cable tray is provided with a cable, particularly at low temperature (usually 5 ℃ and below), throw, drop cable will likely lead to insulation, sheath crack;
7, lifting packages, is strictly prohibited several disc and hoisting. In the transportation vehicle, ship, cable tray to be fixed in the right way, prevent mutual collision or fall, to prevent mechanical damage to the cables.

